On February 15 Eric and I traveled to San Jose, Costa Rica to support Dr. Ricky Williams in the training of local pastors in Evangelism Explosion witnessing. This EE Clinic is done through the BMA Theological Seminary so Dr. Charley Holms, Seminary President, and Dr Phillip Attebery, Seminary Dean. What a privilege to work with these men.
We began our trip with an 8 hour bus ride to Mexico City where we spent the night at the airport waiting till 4:00 AM to check in for the flight to Costa Rica. Once there we met with the professors as well as Will Rodriguez the Vice-President of EE International in Latin America.
We immediately began class with the 14 Costa Rican pastors along with at least two On The Job (OJT) outings per day. OJT is the key for success in evangelism. We will go to the streets in groups of three (one trainer and two students) to practice street evangelism. The trainees learn to approach strangers and share the Gospel with them.
In four days we led more than 50 people to receive Christ. Our Costa Rican Brethren will continue to train others.